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The Sydney Low Profile range of dual flush High Efficiency Toilets (HETs) adds character to any bathroom. The Low Profile is ideal for installations that want to conserve water and require a shorter toilet due to space restrictions, such as under a counter or a grab bar in ADA installations. The Round Front Plus and Elongated toilets are available in both standard and Easy Height. The Sydney Low Profile range saves money while preserving the world's most valuable resource - water.High efficiency toilet (HET) Under federal law in the United States, toilets must not exceed 1.6 gallons of water per flush. High efficiency toilets (HETs) go beyond the standard and use less than 1.3 gallons per flush (a 20% savings over conventional 1.6 gpf toilets). The WaterSense label will be used on HETs that are certified by independent laboratory testing to meet rigorous criteria for both performance and efficiency. Only HETs that complete the third-party certification process can earn the WaterSense label.Dual flush toilet A dual flush toilet has two buttons for flushing, a half flush and full flush. The half flush, for liquid, uses 0.8 gallons per flush. The full flush, for solids, uses 1.28-1.6 gallons per flush depending on the model. Using the 1.6/0.8 dual flush technology can reduce water usage by 40% compared with traditional toilets that use 2.9 gallons in a single flush and by more 76% if using a 3.5gpf toilet.WaterSense-approved WaterSense is a partnership program sponsored by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency making it easy for Americans to save water and protect the environment. Toilets are certified by independent laboratory testing for water efficiency and flush performance. To be WaterSense-approved, the toilet must flush a minimum of 350 grams of water and have a non-adjustable valve (so it can't be manipulated to flush more water). Caroma has more WaterSense-approved toilet than any other brand in the market.
- High efficiency toilet (HET) - 1.28/0.8 gallons (4.8/3 liters per flush)
- Two piece, two button dual flush toilet
- Elongated bowl
- Large fully concealed trapway
- Virtually unblockable
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